Frequently Asked Questions


  • Q: Why haven't you been as active recently?

  • A: So glad you asked! I've been going through a lot of life events lately such as moving, working a normal job, and with health problems so my output has slowed.

  • Q: Do I get an edition number certificate of authenticity for the print?

  • A: You can get a certificate of authenticity and the print directly signed by the artist if you order directly from the artist using email or messaging on any of her social media handles. Ordering prints using the links on this site, uses a third party print company and certificates of authenticity are not available.

  • Q: Are there ever returns or exchanges?

  • A: No, if there is a problem (i.e. damage) with a print or original artwork, please contact the artist to notify them and a discussion can happen about your options.

  • Q: How long does it take you to do a commission?

  • A: It depends on the commission request, its size, and materials used. All deadlines can be discussed with the artist during commission inquiry.

  • Q: How come you never open up for commission?

  • A: The artist opens for commission in what is called commission batches where announcements on social media and website are live updated with slots available for commissions. The artist only open's for a few commission slots at a time so be sure to follow this website or social media for updates! If you happen to miss your chance you may always contact the artist directly since response time is near immediate.